Another Post about the Benefits of Releasing Early

Andy Brice wrote a post on his blog titled If you aren’t embarrassed by v1.0 you didn’t release it early enough.

I really like the idea of releasing early, yaTimer, my time tracking software, was released just two weeks after I started working on it (two weeks of nights and weekends, I don't believe in quitting your "day job" so soon).

Version 1.0 was missing important features, the setup program user experience was very poor and you couldn't even buy it (I didn't even setup my payment processor before releasing it).

The current version (1.2) it much better and I plan to stop being embarrassed by the lack of important features when version 2.0 is released (I'm working on it and I hope to release it soon).

One of the most important advantages of releasing as early as possible is failing as quickly as possible, for my previous product I spent close to an year in development only to find out there is no market for it - so I'm talking from experience.

My previous link to a post about releasing early is here.

posted @ Wednesday, August 8, 2007 12:05 PM

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